An early love and desire to be a dancer is all that may fuel performance art. I got to dance on stage at the KISS FM concert at Notting Hill Carnival with The Family McKoy. Here photographed with the other dancers and lead singer Junette McKoy. I was never allowed to go to dance classes as a kid despite begging my mum to go as she said I was too fat.

A performance with Renee Regan at the 404 Goodbuddy Gallery in Shaw DC. This involved me kissing some art and renee kissing herself with my assistance at times.

During the workshop, we had to trust each other. This piece I made with dancer Sebastian Rousseau and the tape we were using to explore with. I taped him to the wall and wrote the word 'love' in tape.

Here I am with Story Teller and Performance Artist Sheldon Scott and Benoit discussing the work and creating costumes for a performance we did outside the 930 club.

Beniot Izard ran a performance art workshop with Animals and Fire in DC. I was park of the workshop which culminated in this walk from 9th Street to the Capitol. (Im in the pink...)